Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Reading Goals for 2017

Hello everyone it's Nicole Henderson here and I wanted to share with you guy some of my reading goals that I want to accomplish this year. I have a total of six goals to share here so without any further ado, lets get into it. 


1. Read more fantasy. 

During my reading experience, I have found myself reading more contemporary and less of fantasy or any other genre. I do enjoy fantasy as a whole, but I just haven't read any that  captivated me or even interested me. I don't really know why I've avoided reading this genre. I guess its because I think its too complex and abstract for me, while contemporaries are much more simpler and easier for me to read. So, my goal is to read more of the fantasy genre starting with Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo.

2. Read more science fiction 

I personally find science fiction to be extremely confusing and complicated to follow. And sci-fi has never expressed my interest. Since I do want to get out of my reading comfort zone, I figure that reading science fiction books is the way to go. I have previously read books in this genre last year, but I want to expand my reading and read a ton more from this genre. Obviously, I'm starting with Illuminae by Amie Kauffman and Jay Kristoff. And working my way into slightly more complex reads. 

3. Read more classics

I know my last two reading goals were to read more genres, but I didn't read any classics last year. So my goal this year is to read at least 2 or 3 classics maybe even more. I have a ton of classics that I want to read, but I've never been in the mood to pick them up. I've heard amazing things about The Great Gatsby and Pride and Prejudice. But the fact that I haven't read them is absurd. So, yes reading more classics is a must. 

4. Read longer/thicker books 

I tend to read books that are around 300 pages or I read shorter books that are less then 300 pages. I sometimes read books that are about 400 pages, but only in the 400 page range. Other then that, I don't really pick up any thick books. I find that the size of books really intimidate me, but I'm going to conquer this and just read all the thick books. 

5. Read books that actually on my TBR shelf 

Throughout the year of 2016, I've found myself reading books that were not on my TBR, however I've been reading books from the library. Don't get me wrong, reading library books are great  but I do want to read books that I own and I want to conquer my TBR pile before it escalates even more. I am currently reading books that are from the library but after that, I will be sticking to books I do own and just lowering my TBR pile. 

6. Read more diverse books 

From LGBT to POC books I want to read more diversely. I did a good job at reading diverse books last year, but I want to read and expand on this way more then I have. I believe its important to read books about topics that you're not entirely familiar with, so you can educate yourself on those issues. For example, immigration is a big issue that I'm not familiar with because I'm not an immigrant but I want to know more on the subject matter. 

So, those are all my reading goals for 2017 I hope you all enjoyed. What are your reading goals for this year? Let me know in the comments below. I hope I complete most of my goals this year. And if you have any reading goals of your own, then good luck on achieving them. Happy reading and until my next post goodbye for now. 

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