Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Books I Have Read So Far This Year (1)

Hello everyone it's Nicole Henderson here and this blog post is going to be a little different. It is something that I have never done here before. And since it is almost the end of June (and it marks half of 2016 gone), I thought that now would be the perfect time to do it. So without further ado, let's get into analyzing.

Now I am not entirely sure on how you do this correctly. But I am going to try my best and see how this works. So I looked on my Goodreads account and it tells me how many books I read; plus some details on the longest book I read and my most popular shelves. How many total pages I read and the publication year of the books I have read.

To start off my analysis, I have read a total of 21 books (so far). I rated a total of 7 books 5 stars10 books, 4 stars, and 4 books 3 stars. Meanwhile the longest book I read this year thus far was Carry On by Rainbow Rowell with a total of 522 pages. As for my top shelves, here is the full chart:

As you can see, my young-adult shelf is the most popular. My from the library shelf comes second and the shelves that are tied for third are my own and cute romance shelves and so on and so forth. 

The total pages I have read with the combinations of all the books I have read are: 7,096. That's not too bad so far, but I definitely want to read more books to get the page count higher.  

In terms of publication year, most books I have read were published from 2006-2016. While others are classics that were published in the 18-1900's and/or 1950's and 60's. Based off of this, I don't really read enough classics, so I feel like I should read more of them to give them a chance. It's just that I never found most of them interesting which has caused me to not enjoy them so much. For example Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen was not very enjoyable as it was very bland and dull. However, this year is the year that I read more classics that are (hopefully) to my liking. 

I believe I covered all of my analysis that I needed too and I hope you enjoyed this post. It is for sure something different from what I normally do, but I wanted to change it up and try something new. I hope I did good considering it was my first time trying this kind of thing. That is it for this post and until my next one, goodbye for now. 

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