Hello everyone it's Nicole Henderson here, and it is officially the first day of summer break! I am so excited to be spending another two months off and since I'm Canadian, I wanted to do something Canada related because it's Canada Day today So, Happy Canada Day to all you Canadians out in the world. But I couldn't find anything that was good, so instead I am bringing you another tag called the Fifty Bookish Questions Book Tag. I found this tag on another book blogger site called mylittlebookishblog and I thought this would be a fun tag to do. This is a long one, so without further ado let's get into it.
1. What was the last book you read?
Watch Me by Lauren Barnholdt. I have a book review for it on my blog, so go check it out.
2. Was it a good one?
It was rather a fast-paced, and entertaining read. But it wasn't the best book I've read out there but it was still good.
3. What made it good?
I liked the concept of the main character starring on a reality TV show, and the secondary characters are what made this book good.
4. Would you recommend it to other people?
Yes, I would. If readers want something quick, light-hearted and entertaining.
5. How often do you read?
Unless I'm a reading slump and not focused so much on school, then I read on most days if I can. And I like to read on my couch, and bed.
6. Do you like to read?
Isn't it obvious? Of course I love reading.
7. What was the last bad book you read?
I have read bad books in the past. But my last one would have to be Royally Lost by Angie Stanton. It was just to cheesy and unrealistic for my liking.
8. What made you dislike it?
Like I said before, it was too cheesy and unrealistic.
9. Do you wish to be a writer?
Yes 100%. I wish to be a writer someday and write my own novels.
10. Has any book ever influenced you greatly?
I have a lot of books in mind that have influenced me. But I can't name them off the top of my head right now.
11. Do you read fan fiction?
Nope. I personally have never been interested in reading it.
12. Do you write fan fiction?
13. What's your favourite book?
OH MY GOD! Don't make me choose! But if I had to pick one I would say The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson.
14. What's your least favourite book?
Some classics like Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen, and Klee Wyck by Emily Carr (I really did not like that book).
15. Do you prefer physical books or ready on a device (like Kindle, Ebook)?
I strongly prefer the physical copy.
16. When did you learn to read?
When I was little like maybe at around 5 or 6 years old.
17. What is your favourite book you had to read for school?
Umm. I don't really have a lot of favourite books in that area. I can't think of one right now.
18. What is your favourite book series?
Most likely the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Curz. It's a underrated series and I recommend that you guys go check it out. It is amazing!
19. Who is your favourite author?
I have so many authors I love. But again if I had to pick it would be Morgan Matson.
20. What is your favourite genre?
I LOVE contemporary YA books, but then I also love mystery/thriller, and supernatural/paranormal horror YA as well.
21. What is your favourite character in a book series?
I haven't had any characters that I would consider to be my ALL TIME favourite characters. But there were some that I enjoyed. (Just can't think of one theres so many).
22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?
Yea....isn't that the point of reading?! LOL!
23. Which book do you wish had a sequel?
Can't think of one unfortunately.
24. Which book do you wish DIDN'T have a sequel?
I really wished that Girl Online by Zoe Sugg didnt have a sequel. It would have been perfectly fine as a stand alone. And I'm adding another one here as well that is A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro. A sequel to this is coming out sometime in 2017, but I personally thought it would of been a great stand alone. However, I'm looking forward to see what the other book(s) have to offer. It is going to be a trilogy btw. So like I said, I'm excited.
25. How long does it take you to read a book?
On average, it takes me maybe 4-5 days to read a book. When I'm busy with school it takes me a little longer by like 2-3 days.
26. Do you like when books become movies?
Yes and no. For me it really depends on the books. Personally, One Day by David Nichols was one of my favourites because I really enjoyed the film, but I also loved the book as well.
27. Which book was ruined by the movie adaption?
I can't really say anything on this subject. I can't think of one.
28. Which movie has done a book justice?
Probably all of Nicholas Sparks' movies. I say this because there are really good, and the books are good as well. There are just so cheesy and emotional but in the best way possible.
29. Do you read the newspaper?
No, not really.
30. Do you read magazines?
Not regularly, but every once in awhile I like to read one.
31. Do you prefer to read newspapers or magazines?
I would most likely read a magazine over a newspaper.
32. Do you read while in bed.
Sometimes I read on my bed. But not too often. I sometimes get distracted while reading on there.
33. Do you read while on the toilet?
No, I don't. But does reading on your phone count?
34. Do you read while in the car?
I don't even attempt to anymore, but I have tried. And every time I have gotten car sick.
35. Do you read while in the bath?
I'm not a big 'bath person.' So no I don't read there at all.
36. Are you a fast reader?
Considering I read 7 books last month, than yes!
37. Are you a slow reader?
Not usually. But it depends on the book. Like if it's a sic-fi or fantasy, or historical fiction that has a lot of world building than I would take my time reading it so I can get to know the world better.
38. Where is your favourite place to read?
I like my couch in my living room. It's very comfortable and it's less distracting.
39. Is it hard to concentrate while you read?
Yes, sometimes but I manage.
40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read?
100% Yes. It is distracting when people are talking in the background or even when music or the TV are on.
41. Who gave you your love for reading?
I have read some books from my elementary school library and that sparked my interest in reading. But when I really started loving it, was when I was going through a tough time in my life and books ended up being my comfort, and stress relief.
42. What book is next on your list for reading?
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.
43. When did you start to read chapter books?
I think it was around Grade 6 or Grade 7. I was never a huge reader when I was younger, but I developed an interest for it when I was a bit older.
44. Who is your favourite children's book author?
I don't really read a lot of children's fiction, so I can't say anything on that subject. But I do need to read more of it.
45. Which author would you most want to interview?
To be honest probably Morgan Matson. Or maybe Sarah Ockler.
46. Which author do you think you'd be friends with?
I have no idea, there's so many to choose from!
47. What book have you re-read the most?
I don't really re-read any of my books too often. But I sometime re-read my favourite parts from the House of Night series by P.C and Kristen Cast. Does that count as re-reading?
48. Which books do you consider "classics"?
Eventough I haven't read these books, I would still say that the Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling are classics. Like there movies, there are colouring books, and there are so much more merchandise on this series that to me there just classic books that everyone is going to remember forever.
49. Which books do you think should be taught in all schools?
There definitely needs to be a balance of different genres in books, and mix the classics with some modern reads to connect with the current generation.
50. Which books should be banned in all schools?
I don't think books should be banned from schools unless they extremely inappropriate. I can name one that should be banned, and that is the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy by E.L James. First off, those books are pretty much porn, and there horribly written.
Those are all the fifty questions to this tag, I hope you enjoyed reading it and getting to know me better. This is open to anyone who wants to do this tag. That is it and until my next post, goodbye everyone.
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