Summary:Fifteen year old Schuyler Van Alen goes to Duchesne, the prestigious private school in New York City. She has never seemed to fit in anywhere within the school, until she finds out that a popular classmate has passed away and is exposed to The Committee, who are a group of vampires called Blue Bloods.
Thoughts:Since I have the paperback version, the synopsis gives me a completely different one then the original hardcover(which still has the same sort of concept), so I thought the actual synopsis itself to be very misleading. I visioned this book to be very different from what I've read so far. I am really enjoying this book, and since this is the first one in the series, I want to read the second one. However, I still don't entirely understand what's going on, but since I am halfway done, I will have lots of time to figure it out. I haven't made the final decision as for a actual rating, but I definitely know, it's going to be a high rate for sure.
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