Hello everyone,it's Nicole Henderson here,and this is my very first book reivew on this blog. Im super nervous,but i definitly want to do more of these book reviews. I hope you enjoy,and you share the same thoughts aswell. It may be a bit sloppy and all over the place, im sorry.
Past Perfect by Leila Sales
Genre: young adult, history, romance, contemporary
Publication: October 4th, 2011 (Hardcover)
Pages: 306
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Synopsis(from the flap)
All Chelsea wants to do this summer is hang out with her best friend, hone her talents as an ice cream connoisseur,and finally get over Ezra, the boy who broke her heart. But when Celsea shows up for her summer job at Essex Historical Colonial Village (yes, really), it turns out Ezra's working there too. Which makes moving on and forgetting Ezra a lot more complicated....even when Chelsea starts falling for someone new. Maybe Chelsea should have known better than to think that a historical reenactmant village could help her escape her past. But with Ezra all too present,and her new crush seeming all too off limits,all Chelsea knows is that she's got a lot to figure out about love. Becuase those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it...
I saw this book in the library, read the above section of this review, i thought it looked interesting and checked it out.When i started reading it, i orignally thought it was going to be a humorous book with some American history facts, along with some romance happening. I was wrong in a way.
Yes, there was romance,and yes there were history facts, but there wasn't really a lot of humour happening for me. Well if i have to be honest with you, in the book, things happened that i didn't really imagine happening. For example: i was expecting Chelsea and Ezra to talk alot more,despite the "August 7th" situation(read the book to find out about it) just as friends, like they could of said "hey, how's it going?" "i'm fine, how are you" to each other. But in reality they didn't talk that much, execpt for a few times, i was just a little disapointed in that. Well despite Chelsea and Ezra being exes, i could understand why they didn't talk a lot. Another example is: i thought Chelsea and Dan(who is the new crush) were going to become a full on couple by the end of the novel. Unfourtunatly, the relationship did not work out. I was disappointed in that, i wished Chelsea would of moved on from Ezra, so she could be with Dan and be happy with him.
I really liked Chelsea as a main charcter, she was a girl with a little bit of an attitude, and kind towards the other people around her, eventhough she wasn't really in the mood to be with then sometimes. She really cares for her friends, espeically Fiona, who is her best friend. She was a normal and realistic character, and felt what every other teenage girls would of thought in a situation like this. I loved how Chelsea was able to wake up and realize the she can move on from Ezra and end up not getting back together with him. Girl Power! I really admired Chelsea for that.
Ezra was a bit of an asshole(excuse my language) without really trying to be one, so i didn't really like him that much. He was treating Chelsea, terribly and being a huge jerk. Dan, was defintly not an asshole . He was kind to Chelsea, and sweet,but i didn't like how, just because he was humilitated (as well as his whole family) he had no right to tell Chelsea that she's a terrible person and put her down. IT WASN"T EVEN CHELSEA'S FAULT, IT WAS EZRA'S 'CAUSE HE'S AN ASSHOLE! But it was also Dan's fault because he's the one that told Chelsea (the problem) in the first place.
Anyways, besides that, i really did like the history aspect to the book. Since i am a Canadian, i don't really know alot about American history,so it was nice to learn some facts about what happend(the Cival war, and the Decalration, and the Colonial times). It was also cool how Chelsea's father was able to teach her a life lesson by using history facts and other things at one point in the book. I will always remember the important message that is in this book and continue to remember it forever.
I will be reading more books from Lelia Sales, and i recomend this book to people, who like young adult fiction, with a bit of history fiction and romance.
Overall Rate
3.5/5 stars
Last Words
Overall, this book was not my favorite book ever, but i still really enjoyed it, and it was a nice read while it lasted Well that concludes my book review,until the next one. Goodbye everyone!
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