Genre: young-adult, science fiction, fantasy, romance
Published: November 3rd 2015
Pages: 426
Publisher: HarperTeen
Marguerite Caine has done the impossible, traveling to alternate dimensions with the Firebird—the brilliant invention of her parents, her boyfriend, Paul, and their friend Theo. But she has also caught the attention of enemies willing to kidnap, blackmail, and even kill to use the Firebird for themselves.
When Paul’s soul is splintered into four pieces—pieces that are trapped within Pauls in other dimensions—Marguerite will do anything, and travel anywhere, to save him. But the price of his safe return is steep. If she doesn’t sabotage her parents in multiple universes, Paul will be lost forever.
Unwilling to sacrifice her family, Marguerite enlists the brilliant Theo to help. The two forge a plan to save Paul and the Firebird, but succeeding means outsmarting a genius and risking not only their lives but also the lives of their counterparts in every other dimension.
Their mission takes them to the most dangerous universes yet: a war-torn San Francisco, the criminal underworld of New York City, and a glittering Paris where another Marguerite hides a shocking secret. Each leap brings Marguerite closer to saving Paul—but her journey reveals dark truths that lead her to doubt the one constant she’s found between worlds: their love for each other. (source)
I just want to address that this book is literally one of the best books I've read in a really long time (besides Three Dark Crowns of course). There was so much drama, romance and it was very action-packed. If anything I enjoyed it way more than the first book, which I highly recommend you guys go check out as well. I loved how I got see different sides to each of the characters, as well as the different places they went throughout the story (like Paris, one of my favourite cities ever!). There were so also some amazing and intense plot twists that I really enjoyed. I could go on and on about how amazing this book is, but of course this is just the intro so I'm going through my thoughts vaguely. Anyways, I highly recommend you guys go read this book, and might as well read the rest of the series.
Now on to the more detailed points. Like I previously mentioned, this is one of the best I've best books I've read in a long time. Here's why:
My first thought is that the romances with the three main characters was very well done. I enjoyed the little romantic development going on between Marguerite and Theo. In this book you could kind of see a possible romance between the two, and I actually like them together. To be honest, if they ever were an actual thing, I wouldn't be too upset. Anyways, I also thought the romance with Marguerite and Paul was also developed well. Even though their apart for most of the book, it was nice to see that their romance was still going strong before everything got complicated. I honestly don't know who I ship with Marguerite more, but I do like both of the male characters. So yes, romances were on point!
My second thought is the character development. The character development with all the characters was so fantastic. I really enjoyed getting to see the different sides to Theo, Paul and also Marguerite. With Theo, I got to see more of an vulnerable and gentle side to him that I didn't get to see in the first book. And with Paul, I saw more of an angry and dark side to him. While with Marguerite, she is a slightly different person than she was in the first book. So that really signifies her character development. Going back to Theo, I definitely liked him better in this book than in the previous. He was much more kinder and (for lack of better terms) sweet. I found that in the first book, he was very cocky and ignorant. And that very much turned me off from his character. But yes, the three main characters were incredible and I can't wait to read more about them in the final book soon.
My third thought is the unpredictable plot twists. There were moments in the book where I just didn't expect for them to happen and I was left confused asking myself: "Why did this happen? What is happening?!" But I felt like these plot twists were necessary for the book and for the rest of the series going forward. Personally, I thought they were played out very well and it made me even more excited to read the final book. (If you guys couldn't tell already, I'm very excited to read this last book). *Note: I won't reveal what these plot twists are because of spoilers, but go read the book to find out what they are.* Anyways, there's nothing more to say on this topic so let's just move on to my last thought.
My last and final thought is the incredible world building. Again, Claudia Gray has done a fantastic job on the world building and constantly keeping it fresh and unique. This is definitely a different world that I don't believe anyone else can create better than she can. It was just so fantastic and it made the overall book more entertaining.