It's Our Prom(So Deal With It)
Genre: young adult, LGBT, coming-of-age, romance
Published: April, 24th 2012
Pages: 352
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Readers
Synopsis(from flap)
When Azure's principal gives her the chance turn the school's traditional(and boring) prom into an event that will appeal to everyone, not just the jocks and cheerleaders, she jumps at the opportunity. Soon Azure manages to convince friends Luke and Radhika, to join the prom committee as well. Facing heavy opposition and admittedly clueless about prom logistics, the three friends are nonetheless determined to succeed-if Luke and Azure's secret crushes on Radhika don't push the committee members, and their friendships to the breaking point.
This book was not too bad, i was getting annoyed in the first half though, but by the second half it got better. I've been wanting to read one of Julie's books for awhile now, but i never saw any books that were by her, until now. I picked it up thinking it was going to be good, which it was. But, i actually had a few problems with it preventing me from giving this book a full 5 stars. Which I will blog and explain to you those problems now.
The first problem was with Luke and Azure, they were being selfish in the first half, which by the second half I was not really liking them all that much, from when I started. Anyways, it seemed like they were so focused on the prom and (Luke's) musical, that they weren't really aware of Radhika's issues. Alright, so maybe they were concerned with her, by (constantly) calling her,but they still were not totally aware of it. Which made me kind of upset. However, both of them realize her issue at home, which made me feel a bit better. Another problem with them, was that they both were "in love" with Radhika, I'm not saying that they shouldn't be in love, but I am saying that Luke and Azure kept mentioning it. It was almost like Julie Anne, kept reminding us about it on every other page. I was saying"I get it, you're both in love with her!" This isn't a problem, but I would just like to mention that Azure is a lesbian and Luke is bisexual.
The second problem was that, they were way too many problems to deal with, like with the money, and the activities, and people taking the activities away. It was insane. Like no teen(in my mind) goes through such problems like that to plan a prom, or any event for that matter. The problems were not only stressing the characters out, but they were stressing me out too. I wanted the problems to be over already so they could have a great prom, were everyone could feel included.
The third problem was Luke. I don't know, it was just that he was acting a little bit like a girl, almost to the point were I got just a tad annoyed with him. I understand that a girl wrote Luke's perspective, but she could of gone to someone who was a guy and critic on them and make changes, so that way Luke would sound just a little more manly, and not sound so much like a girl. However, I did like Luke's sarcastic attitude. He was funny, and he made me laugh at some things he said.
The fourth problem, was there were no POVs on Radhika. I wanted to know what she was thinking in the whole story, about the prom committee, at home, her friends, her issues at school, and EVERYTHING ELSE! All I kept thinking to myself was: "Why is there no POV on Radhika?" There wasn't enough of her, and i was super disappointed about that. I wanted to know more about Radhika. Can I be any more clearer?! This problem, is pretty much the reason why i didn't give this book a 5 star.
Those are pretty much all of my major problems, that I had with this book. It really made me smile when all of the characters, felt accomplished and proud of what they had done, to make the prom fantastic. I loved how everything came together,and everything went smoothly, instead of something going horribly wrong('cause then i would of been super pissed off). Everyone was so happy with each other. Even though Luke and Azure don't end up with their true love(Radhika), they still see her happy and that's all that matters to them. And of course, both of them do find the person that really makes them both, for lack of a better word, happy (and both of them
actually like Azure and Luke back). Which made me realize, that love comes in all forms.
Overall Rating
Last Words
Overall, this book was really good, however, I wouldn't say it's one of my favourite books of all time. I really liked the message that was brought out along in this book. It made me realize a few different personal things that won't mention on here, but I'm happy that I'm able to remember those realizations for the rest of my life. (BTW, it did NOT make realize that I am lesbian or bi, I am a heterosexual). I recommend this book to people who do happen to be apart of the LGBT team, who are scared of coming out, and experiencing love, and things like that. This will be a good coming of age book for you guys, I promise. But I also recommend it for people who are looking for a funny read, along with drama mixed in with the humor. Alright, that concludes my review. Until the next one, goodbye everyone!